Sunday 7 April 2024


The Scottish National Party was formed on Saturday 7th April 1934 in Glasgow, Scotland, Uk. 
Before I begin, I need to make it clear that the following analysis is about the SNP (Scottish National Party) itself - not Scotland and not the people of Scotland. So, what you read below is in the context of the party's identity and its members - including the current Scottish Government.


On the 8th April 2024 there will be a Solar Eclipse at 19° Aries. Lasting for at least the next six months, this will trigger the Sun, Mars and Jupiter in the SNP natal chart bringing significant milestones. The SNP is 90 years old this year and it will be 10 years since the independence referendum, so perhaps those will be the milestones. They could be faced with a crisis and it's also possible that there will be a big revelation in connection to identity. Expect outbursts, and the eruption of underlying conflicts. Arguments or ongoing frustration could reach breaking point. If a particular situation comes to a head, it could be explosive and take months to sort out. 

Transiting Chiron has been conjunct the SNP Sun and Mars, as well as opposite the SNP Jupiter, since April 2023. Continuing until mid-2025, this influence brings power struggles, discrimination, xenophobia and a lot of disrespect. 

Between now and April 2025 there is a curious cluster of planets in the SNP Solar Return chart. A Stellium configuration comprising the Moon, Mars and Saturn in the sign of Pisces. Nothing particularly unusual at first glance. However, these planets rule the signs of Cancer, Aries and Capricorn - all of which are the Sun signs of previous First Ministers of Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon (Cancer), Alex Salmond (Capricorn) and John Swinney (Aries). Then, of course, the current FM, Humza Yousaf is also an Aries, as is Kate Forbes, a possible future FM. So, what does this mean? Are Sturgeon, Salmond and one or more of the Aries SNP members getting together for some reason? Will this be a collaboration? Watch this space.....


Solar Arc Mars will be in a square aspect to the SNP Sun during 2024, 2025 and 2026. This will bring a strong desire to assert themselves aggressively. This planetary influence will create tension and frustration, leading to outbursts if they don’t get their own way. They may have to reach some compromise..Pushing too hard will get them nowhere.

During the same period (2024, 2025, 2026) Solar Arc Jupiter will also be square the SNP Sun. It could be easy to overdo anything under this planetary influence, so they should take care not to spend more than they can afford. This planetary combination is about doing things to excess and being self-indulgent. 

Another planetary influence around during this time is Solar Arc Saturn in a sextile to the SNP Pluto. This will bring progress, professional benefits, and the opportunity for growth. They will have the ability to make a big impact on the outside world but only if they eliminate weaknesses within the SNP itself. They need to gain control and will have to undergo some sort of social transformation or political test. The structure that the SNP has established during the last 90 years will change significantly,as this planetary influence marks the end of one era and the beginning of another. 

As an opposition unfolds between Solar Arc Lilith and the SNP Sun throughout the next three years, this influence will stir deep-seated emotions and a desire for power. However, in order to reap results, they will have to expand beyond their comfort zone and explore new possibilities.This period will bring the SNP many challenges - including a clash of egos - within the party and misjudging their potential or leadership abilities. All of which could take them down a dead-end street. A wild and emotional journey lies ahead during which their optimism may be overshadowed by disharmony. 

Solar Arc Eris, the planet of whistleblowers, troublemakers and gatecrashers, will be conjunct a World Point (0 Cancer) in the SNP chart until 2027. During this period it will bring a dilemma between professional goals, reputation and public image. There will be in-fighting and sh*t-stirring on such a large scale that the SNP will be headline news more so than usual. Provocation will be a problem and someone may try to incite a reaction by doing or saying something connected to legal matters..Refusing to take responsibility and blaming others will only result in the exposure of their hypocrisy. Whatever this is, it will become a very messy.situation.


When former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that the next independence referendum would take place on 19th October 2023, I immediately knew that it wouldn't happen. How? Because she made the announcement on the day of a Full Moon. You should never begin anything on a Full Moon as this phase brings endings, so whatever you initiate just fades away. Similarly, it's also not beneficial to start something when transiting Mercury is in retrograde motion. Yet, on 1st April 2024, the SNP did just that with the launch of their new Hate Crime Act. Not a good omen.

Friday 22 March 2024

The Princess Of Wales

As you will be aware, Kate, Princess Of Wales has just announced that she has cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. So, here is what's going on in her chart.

On the day of her surgery, (17th January) the transiting Sun was in a square aspect to Kate's natal Pluto which indicates tremendous intensity. As anyone who has been through major surgery knows, it is an extremely stressful experience on every level, physically, emotionally and psychologically. 

Transiting Mars was in a square to Kate's natal Mars on that day and during the days after, creating a feeling of pressure and erratic energy levels. This is normal for someone undergoing surgery - one minute you're full of courage, the next you're terrified at the prospect of what might happen during and after the operation. Interestingly, this planetary combination exaggerates opinions and triggers a lack of neutrality and fanaticism. Exactly what's been happening in the media.

Transiting Uranus conjunct her natal Chiron until the beginning of April 2024 will have made Kate feel very alone and perhaps isolated. Chiron symbolises the healing of deep wounds and can bring painful experiences, both physical and emotional. Sensitivity is heightened under this planetary influence and she will be feeling very vulnerable

Transiting Uranus square her natal Ascendant will have brought nervous tension and upset for Kate. This planetary influence which will continue until mid-May 2024 is associated with instability and disruption to the normal routine. It brings a major shakeup to the status quo which will be challenging especially in connection to her personal freedom and self-expression.

Transiting Chiron is square Kate's natal Sun and Moon until early May 2024. This planetary influence tends to bring feelings of alienation or depression. Traumatic issues connected to health will result in a major change to daily habits or lifestyle. The health crisis she has experienced will make her more aware of her body and it's functions. 

With Solar Arc Chiron conjunct a World Point at 0° Cancer, it's no wonder Kate's health has caused so much emotional reaction from the public. When she emerges from her recuperation to resume her public duties there will be a surge of compassion flowing towards her.


A Solar Eclipse on 8th April will be in a square aspect to Kate's natal Sun and Moon. This will bring a six-month period of extreme sensitivity, and maybe confusion. A problem with details will cause more questions than answers. There will be a major change in how others perceive Kate or in how she perceives herself and she will be protected much more than usual.

Throughout April, transiting Jupiter will be in a very positive trine aspect to Kate's natal Sun. This influence indicates good health and a feeling of well-being, although she may not feel inclined toward physical activity, but will be keen to get some exercise, especially outdoors.

From mid-May 2024 until the end of February 2025, transiting Saturn will be in a sextile aspect to Kate's natal Sun. This influence will present many positive opportunities. She will have more patience and perseverance than usual and will be building up her strength. This will be a period of successful preparation for the future.

Kate, we wish you well 💗

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Alex Batty

Alex Batty, who went missing at the age of 11 on 30th September 2017 and subsequently reappeared six years later on 13th December 2023, after successfully fleeing his mother’s hippy lifestyle in France to be reunited with his beloved grandmother and legal guardian, is 18 years old today. He was born on Monday 13th February 2006 in Oldham, Lancashire, England. No birth time is available.

With his natal Sun in the sign of Aquarius, Alex is a an independent thinker. It came as no surprise to me that Alex was born under the sign of Aquarius as he had obviously avoided being manipulated by those (his mother and grandfather) who took him away from home. Aquarius people always manage to maintain their individuality no matter what circumstances they find themselves in. On top of that, they are extremely stubborn which means they refuse to be pushed around by others. Very useful if you need to avoid being sucked into someone else's fantasies. Having said that, this was no mean feat for this young man who was only 11 years old when this all began. 

Alex was born on, or close to, a Full Moon. This indicates an active mind and lively imagination. He will be well suited for leadership roles and will possess a real ability for public life. Alex is a free spirit, but at the same time he will have a need to work and to share his life with other people. Because of his interest for new ideas, he will enjoy studying science, technology and other subjects. He will always stand up for anyone who is not being treated fairly and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets involved in politics later in life.

With his natal Sun in a square aspect to Mars, Alex is courageous and strong-willed. When he is faced with a problem or an obstacle, he won’t run away from it or hide - he will meet challenges head-on. This planetary combination gives him the ability to fight for what he wants and needs. He is likely to seek an exciting career that will allow the expression of his natural enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit. When he stands up for his beliefs and values, he will inspire others to follow his lead.

The natal Sun square Jupiter in Alex's natal chart shows he is generous, helpful, and charitable. One day, he will influence many people and make a real impact as he will have the self confidence to promote himself and his ideas to a worldwide audience. He will be keen to take risks and to branch out into areas as yet unexplored. The ability to project into the future and to see the big picture, will bring the capacity to become prominent and succeed in life in a big way. 

In Alex's natal chart the Sun is in a sextile aspect to Pluto. This planetary combination indicates great creative potential as he is both perceptive and imaginative. Transforming himself through inner development will bring tremendous wealth.

Natal Mercury conjunct Uranus represents the mind of a genius. There is no doubt that Alex possesses amazing potential through originality, intuition and a forward-looking attitude. In the years to come he may develop an intellectual concern with humanitarian or social issues. His thoughts will be shaped by friends, organisations or groups of like-minded people and he will become a spokesperson for important causes. He is inventive, self-reliant and astute - qualities that will take him far on his journey through life.

With Venus in a positive sextile aspect to Jupiter in his natal chart, Alex is sociable and popular. Warm, friendly and with a fantastic sense of humour, he has a powerful philosophical outlook on life and and a strong sense of fair play and equality. People with this aspect often have musical or other creative talents. Writing is a definite possibility.

Natal Mars in the sign of Taurus brings Alex tremendous levels of endurance. Mars is the planet of anger and Taurus is the sign of quiet strength. As a result, he will try to avoid confrontation as much as possible. If he ever does get angry, he will make his feelings known in no uncertain manner. Mars in Taurus gives Alex tenacity, so if he wants something, he will work very hard to get it. And this is the reason he is back home where he belongs. 

Happy Birthday, Alex.

Thursday 1 February 2024

February - Leaping Forward

February is the shortest month of the year and the only month with fewer than 30 days. It has 28 days in a normal year and 29 in a Leap Year. This is to keep the calendar year synchronised with the astronomical year because seasons and astronomical events do not repeat in a whole number of days. By inserting an additional day into the year, the anomaly can be corrected. Having only 28 days, February can sometimes pass without having any Full Moon.

February is a fascinating month. It was named Februarius by the Romans, from the Latin word for purification - februum - and they held a purification ritual named Februa on the 15th day of the month. January and February were the last two months to be added to the Roman calendar, circa 713 BC. At that time, each year officially began in March and there were only 10 months. Adding January and February increased it to twelve. I actually think the Romans had the right idea beginning the new year in spring, and of course, this coincided with the first sign of the Zodiac - Aries. The Spring Equinox is still considered by astrologers to be the 'Astrological New Year'. February remained the last month of the calendar year until circa 450 BC when the start of the year was moved to January.

As an astrologer, I'm often asked how being born on 29th February affects someone's chart. It doesn't actually make a lot of difference. The Sun on the 28th February is positioned at approximately 8° Pisces and the following day on 1st March it is 9° Pisces. In a year when the 29th is the final day of February, the Sun is at 9° Pisces and on the 1st March it's 10° Pisces. This change in astrological degree continues for about two years then gradually returns to its original position before jumping forward again at the next Leap Year. 

I'm also often asked another question by people who were born on 29th February: "When should I celebrate my birthday? Every four years, 28th February, or 1st March?" Some people think, for accuracy, they should only have a birthday every four years. I disagree. Technically, you were born on the last day of the month, so keep it simple and celebrate your birthday on the 28th February. 

Friday 12 January 2024

2024 - Part 2

The big astrological theme of 2024 is the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, for the first time in 14 years, f
rom 9th April until 5th May 2024 - exact on 20th April. When two planets conjunct each other it marks the beginning of something new as a conjunction is the initiation aspect. The planets are in the same degree of the zodiac and because of this their energies are combined to great effect. 

Jupiter and Uranus symbolise advanced communication, higher education and radical ideas. Sudden, unexpected breakthroughs or awakenings will occur which could prove to be very positive and beneficial. Something will develop very quickly which will lead to greater freedom and innovation. This planetary aspect is a prelude to both Jupiter entering Gemini in 2024 and Uranus transiting through Gemini from 2025 onwards when the implementation of breath-taking new technology will arrive.

The conjunction of transiting Jupiter with transiting Uranus takes place at 21° Taurus. This is the degree that Uranus occupied at the beginning of World War II. At the same time, transiting Pluto will be at 2° Aquarius - also triggering its WWII position at 2° Leo. The World War II chart is being re-activated and this is a common occurrence when a new war begins. I'm not saying to expect World War III  - although that is a possibility - but there could be a serious escalation in worldwide conflicts. Transiting Uranus is very prominent at the beginning and the end of wars, presumably because it represents people coming together for a specific purpose. The gathering of armies is a prime example. Jupiter rules treaties, borders between countries and the promotion of peace and diplomacy. Let's hope that is what we get.

During the same period as the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, transiting Mercury will be conjunct the North Node. All three are planets of intellect, movement and communication and the transiting North Node represents the collective destiny, the way forward for all of us. So it will be very interesting to see the message we receive during that period, the inventions we will make and the ideas we will come up with. Both Jupiter and Uranus symbolise truth, justice and mind-boggling discoveries. 

YOUR BIRTHDAY: If you were born between 9th April and 5th May the Jupiter Uranus conjunction will influence you for 12 months until your next birthday in 2025. This is a very dynamic planetary combination which will bring very pleasant surprises leading to success. Forming a connection with a certain group of people will result in happiness. Making an advantageous decision - which is more likely under this influence - will help you to resolve a problematic situation. Changing your direction will improve your circumstances.

From 22nd May to the 17th June 2024, Jupiter will be in a trine aspect to Pluto. This planetary combination symbolises the ability to uncover the truth. The truth about what? Or whom? I see the media being obsessed with someone during this period who might become excluded from society for some reason. Perhaps they will choose to live in exile, or maybe they will be imprisoned. 

From early April 2024, transiting Neptune will be in the final two degrees of Pisces and conjunct the Aries Point. This is 0° Aries, the very first degree of the entire zodiac and one of the World Points. In 2025, both Neptune and Saturn will not only be on this point but they will be conjunct each other. This year we will begin to get a taste of what's to come. 

One final note.... Remember the fuss about UFOs and cover-ups in 2023? Well, expect more from now on.

Monday 1 January 2024

2024 - Part 1

This year marks the beginning of a very important transition period with many, many changes taking place throughout 2024, 2025 and 2026. By 2027, the outlook for humanity will be very different. One of the reasons for this is that, in 2025, all of the major transiting planets will have changed signs, thus shifting their influence for the years to come. This process is starting in 2024.                                                                               
From 1st January until 8th April 2024, transiting Jupiter will be in a positive sextile aspect to transiting Saturn. This will be the first time these two planets have met each other in a major aspect since the Great Conjunction of December 2021. So, a harmonious connection which is likely to bring steady but sure advancement. This planetary combination favours conscientious, constructive and highly motivated people. Despite symbolising the opposite principles of freedom and restriction, expansion and contraction, abundance and austerity, etc, these two planets combine well and balance each other out. Therefore, the first three months of 2024 should appear calmer and more straight forward.

On 4th January, a new window of opportunity will begin for peace in Ukraine. This phase will continue until 13th February. During that period, transiting Mars will return for the first time to the exact degree it was in when the invasion began - 22° Capricorn. There are many more of these auspicious periods throughout 2024 and I'll be writing about them during the next few months. It's important to remember that these refer only to the war in Ukraine, or to wars in Europe - not war in general and not the current war in the Middle East. 

From the 16th - 26th January 2024, the transiting Sun will be in conjunction with transiting Pluto. This is a very powerful and dynamic planetary combination which could trigger quite a few upheavals. It is linked to events that bring about a major change of direction. Indulging in power games in order to become more influential and effective will be a danger during this period. Now, who might attempt such a thing? I think we have a few names in mind on that score. Whoever they are, they will be at risk of overestimating their strength, and powerful, external forces may appear which will obstruct their path. Dealings with others on the world stage will be very intense.

YOUR BIRTHDAY: If your birthday is on 20th, 21st or 22nd January, this Pluto transit will conjunct your natal Sun and bring major life-changing experiences over the next two years. You will become more ambitious and determined to achieve your goals under this planetary effect. With an awareness of your own personal power, you may re-evaluate exactly how you can use it to express your individuality. Discovering and following your true vocation or path in life is highly likely. This planetary influence will increase the need to 'up your game' and push you towards being the person you are destined to become. 

Transiting Venus and Mars will conjunct each other from 17th February until 2nd March and then again from 20th April to 5th May 2024. Interestingly, there is no Venus Retrograde during 2024. When a planet goes into retrograde motion, its influence tends to be weakened, so Venus will be on full strength throughout 2024 and therefore all Venus themes should be enhanced. Mars has no retrograde motion until December 2024 so, like Venus, it will be relatively unrestricted throughout the year. In Mundane Astrology (global events) and on a bigger scale as Venus rules the arts, entertainment, music, fashion and culture. It is associated with both peace and with war, and particularly in negotiations leading to peace. Which is exactly what the world needs.

YOUR BIRTHDAY: Born between 17th February and 2nd March? Or 20th April and 5th May? If so, this planetary conjunction will influence your life for 12 months until your next birthday in 2025. Venus and Mars generally symbolise affairs of the heart - as well as the social life, physical activity, artistic pursuits and money. It will bring passion into your life. You could feel more emotionally compulsive and become prone to 'love at first sight' encounters. Don't say you haven't been warned.....

Coming up in Part 2: New discoveries will be made - and the truth will be revealed......